Monday, February 7, 2011

In the Clear!!!

Griffin seems to be all better! I'm so glad...Just when I thought I couldn't handle anymore throw up, it ended. Now that that's under my belt, I'm pretty sure I can handle anything!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Griffin is roughly 14 months old... He has been throwing up on and off for 2 days, no fever, mild diarrhea. Here's the skinny-
1. Pedialyte, water, and NO milk. I opted to get the orange colored Pedialyte. Nothing too dark that would stain if he threw it up. Ok, I confess, I did try a little milk and it bit me in the ass. Within minutes, I had curdled milk vomit dumped on my carpets.
2. BRAT..bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. Keep it mild! We did some oyster crackers too (little, round saltines). They're easier for little fingers to grab, and G wasn't tempted to crumble them up between his fingers.
3. Snacks, not meals. We did very small portions so G wouldn't have a heavy food load in his tummy. If he didn't want to eat, I didn't push it. As long as he would drink water/Pedialyte, I was happy.
4. At least CALL the doctor if you're concerned. I called and was told "if he doesn't have a fever, it's ok". It was comforting to know that G probably just has a little tummy bug, and it'll pass. 
5. Enlist help, if possible. Look, we are not superheroes!! I am a single mom- a mere mortal. I get frustrated, and worn out. I called D and asked for help. Fortunately, he was able to help me out for a few nights. I also had help from my dear Connie (neighbor and family member extraordinaire). She was nice enough to run to the store for more Pedialyte. I wasn't about to take a vomit-timebomb to the store!

Friday Night. (and a sick baby)

It started Wednesday at 11:30 AM...I was at work and got a call from the sitter. "Griffin threw up". At noon, I leave work and prepare myself for what's in store, or so I think. By Wednesday night, I've been thrown up on three times, I've done 4 loads of laundry, and I've scrubbed the living room carpet. Oh, and I've also been Mama. I enlisted the help of Daddy (D), who lives about five minutes away.. He was kind enough to share the experience with me, and spend the night so we could tag-team the vomit. A perfect night..Griffin slept all night with no vomit!
Thursday- We're in the clear. Griffin goes to the sitter. Mama goes to work. D goes to work.
Friday morning (6:45 AM) - I'm ready for work, lunches are packed. I'm getting ready to wake Griffin up so we can go...I smell it-the sour of vomit. OH HELL NO! I peek into his room. He has thrown up all over one side of his crib, and moved to the other side to fall back asleep. All I can think is "well, at least he moved". I called the sitter, called work, called D to fill him in. After another day of cleaning up vomit, and being a super-nurturer, I'm finally sitting here relaxing. Griffin is sleeping and, hopefully, feeling better.
The whole time he's been sick, I tried to Google "baby throwing up", and "toddler is sick". UNSUCCESSFUL! I do not plan on rushing my child to the ER, and I can't find any other advice. The best tidbits I got were from texting my fellow mama friends.