Friday, February 4, 2011


Griffin is roughly 14 months old... He has been throwing up on and off for 2 days, no fever, mild diarrhea. Here's the skinny-
1. Pedialyte, water, and NO milk. I opted to get the orange colored Pedialyte. Nothing too dark that would stain if he threw it up. Ok, I confess, I did try a little milk and it bit me in the ass. Within minutes, I had curdled milk vomit dumped on my carpets.
2. BRAT..bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. Keep it mild! We did some oyster crackers too (little, round saltines). They're easier for little fingers to grab, and G wasn't tempted to crumble them up between his fingers.
3. Snacks, not meals. We did very small portions so G wouldn't have a heavy food load in his tummy. If he didn't want to eat, I didn't push it. As long as he would drink water/Pedialyte, I was happy.
4. At least CALL the doctor if you're concerned. I called and was told "if he doesn't have a fever, it's ok". It was comforting to know that G probably just has a little tummy bug, and it'll pass. 
5. Enlist help, if possible. Look, we are not superheroes!! I am a single mom- a mere mortal. I get frustrated, and worn out. I called D and asked for help. Fortunately, he was able to help me out for a few nights. I also had help from my dear Connie (neighbor and family member extraordinaire). She was nice enough to run to the store for more Pedialyte. I wasn't about to take a vomit-timebomb to the store!

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