Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Night. (and a sick baby)

It started Wednesday at 11:30 AM...I was at work and got a call from the sitter. "Griffin threw up". At noon, I leave work and prepare myself for what's in store, or so I think. By Wednesday night, I've been thrown up on three times, I've done 4 loads of laundry, and I've scrubbed the living room carpet. Oh, and I've also been Mama. I enlisted the help of Daddy (D), who lives about five minutes away.. He was kind enough to share the experience with me, and spend the night so we could tag-team the vomit. A perfect night..Griffin slept all night with no vomit!
Thursday- We're in the clear. Griffin goes to the sitter. Mama goes to work. D goes to work.
Friday morning (6:45 AM) - I'm ready for work, lunches are packed. I'm getting ready to wake Griffin up so we can go...I smell it-the sour of vomit. OH HELL NO! I peek into his room. He has thrown up all over one side of his crib, and moved to the other side to fall back asleep. All I can think is "well, at least he moved". I called the sitter, called work, called D to fill him in. After another day of cleaning up vomit, and being a super-nurturer, I'm finally sitting here relaxing. Griffin is sleeping and, hopefully, feeling better.
The whole time he's been sick, I tried to Google "baby throwing up", and "toddler is sick". UNSUCCESSFUL! I do not plan on rushing my child to the ER, and I can't find any other advice. The best tidbits I got were from texting my fellow mama friends.

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